Because Sophie is a True Empath, none of the usual nonsense has to happen. Phone call, web call, zoom, etc. She never has to even talk to you, and you never have to talk to her. Unless there are questions.
All she needs is a picture of you, that she can connect to you through.
All connections are 3-way connections: You, Sophie and Source.
She feels you. She asks the questions and Source answers through muscletesting. It’s brilliant and it’s easy. Easy for you, Easy for Sophie. And that shows up in the prices as well.
To have any healing, the first step is a Health evaluation. 60 questions get felt into and muscletested. At the end there is a complete picture of your health… and it is almost immediately obvious what needs to be done, what can be done to bring you back to health.
This is the test that you want to get to get started with Sophie and Remote Healing.